Ankle Injuries: Sprains vs Fractures 

sports medicine doctor college station

Ankle injuries are one of the most common presenting injuries to primary care doctors, urgent care, and emergency centers in the United States. The injuries come in a variety of presentations from people limping into an office appointment after rolling their ankle, to dislocated ankle fractures on the football field, or near amputations from motorcycle accidents.

Knee Arthritis 

college Station orthopedics

Knee arthritis is a common problem in America. Thousands of Americans suffer from pain associated with knee arthritis.

Rotator Cuff Strains & Tears 

orthopedic surgeon college station

Shoulder pain is common in patients 50 years and older. A simple fall, dislocation, or pain after lifting a heavy object can lead to a rotator cuff injury.

Shoulder Arthritis | Advice from a College Station Orthopedic Surgeon 

college station orthopedic surgeon

Shoulder arthritis is common as people age. The cause of shoulder arthritis includes traumatic injury/dislocation, systemic diseases (Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriasis, Gout, etc.), infections, and osteoarthritis.

Knee Injuries | Explained by Orthopedic Doctor 

orthopedic doctor college station

Knee injuries occur daily on sports fields, at work, while walking home, or performing chores at home. The injuries are typically marked by an acute onset of pain with or without the ability to ambulate.